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  • Foto do escritorHoami Miruka

Here come's a new chalenger!

due to personal problems, one of the people involved in the Hoami AI project will have to leave indefinitely, and therefore, the voices for ENUNU and Dif Singer will be postponed indefinitely, but this is not the end!

we have good news!

Hoami AI will be available soon for RVC - Retrieval-based Voice

a simple and efficient way to use Hoami AI's voice before the transition, using the same samples from Hoami AI for ENUNU and Dif Singer, its range and pitch will not be as limited as those respective versions, and will be easier to use

more info soon, along with new demos!

stay tuned, and stay tuned for more news about the development.

ps - in case you know how to configure a voice for diff singer or ENUNU, we are looking for someone to, and obviously the service will be paid in a good amount.

Haro Haro

Bye bye <3

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