due to recent events the following updates will be added to the terms of use for all Hoami Miruka AI voicebanks (old and future) and Nala-Chan (utau and deep vocal):
using Hoami AI and/or Nala-Chan with any voicebank made and/or distributed by Universtars, will have the user blacklisted, and will not have any commercial permissions now, and/or in the future, apart from requests to remove such uses.
using Hoami AI and/or Nala-Chan with any version of the Otozora Rinly voicebank (音空リンリ) , subject to commercial ban without negotiation, ban on the use of voicebanks, will have the user blacklisted, in addition to a request for removal of such use.
subject to future amendments and changes if necessary.
and in brighter news
development of the diff-singer version of Hoami AI has resumed, so look out for more announcements.
demos of new appendages for RVC may also be released soon.
that's all, happy 2024!!!