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The voice generated by Hoami AI Enunu, Hoami AI Dif Singer, Hoami AI RVC,and Nala-Chan Deep Vocal may be used in creative works such as music, ost's, video games, (etc) without permition from Hoami Miruka. The user may never attribute vocals to "Hoami" the person and may only attribute generated vocals to "voicebank of usage here" .
you NEED to credit the Voicebank in question if used commercially, no royalty will be asked.
contact Hoami Miruka to determine eligibility for comercial use if your work have:


ice cream hate


the follow subjects are FORBIDDEN of being used BY ANY MEANS:


due to recent events the following updates will be added to the terms of use for all Hoami Miruka AI voicebanks (old and future) and Nala-Chan (utau and deep vocal):



using Hoami AI and/or Nala-Chan with any voicebank made and/or distributed by Universtars, will have the user blacklisted, and will not have any commercial permissions now, and/or in the future, apart from requests to remove such uses.



using Hoami AI and/or Nala-Chan with any version of the Otozora Rinly voicebank (音空リンリ) , subject to commercial ban without negotiation, ban on the use of voicebanks, will have the user blacklisted, in addition to a request for removal of such use.


subject to future amendments and changes if necessary.



any type of hate dissemination and discrimination
MAYU hate
hate twoards individuals
true crime cases



The user CAN'T use audio from Any of those Voices to generate any other synthesized voice, such as a text to speech voice or redistributable sampler. acapella version of songs need to submit a request first if they want to be monetized, but any song made with each voice can be used normaly for monetize.

For commercial works using any of the character image's/design and not the voice it self, derivative products and/or characters in songs with sensive topics, stikers, keychains of said songs,or any physical item, anything in this zone, need to buy a comercial permition for it, once adquiered, you will be able to do it for the physical itens, but still need to ask permition for the songs and merch about those songs with sensive topics.


if you brake any of those rules, your commercial permission and the right to use any of those voices will be revoked.


To request permission for commercial use, please contact the email bellow:


Only Paypal is accepted!

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